



  On July 5th, 2024, 14 ALTs from around Gunma came to Shibujo to share their cultures with the first-year students.

  To encourage communication with new people, students were divided into groups with people from different classes. They also received lessons and participated in activities from various ALTs throughout the day. Despite this challenge and the oppressive heat of summer, they stayed energetic and excited to interact with everyone!

  During the ALT presentations, the students learned about various countries and topics such as Australian animals and US National Parks, American slang and an English samurai. Afterwards, they participated in various activities like trivia games and cultural crafts and even kickboxing.

  We finished the day by encouraging students to discover information themselves through small group conversations or writing letters. Although the day was long and terribly hot, they participated with so much gusto that even their regular teachers were impressed!

  All in all, it was a wonderful opportunity for the students to meet new friends and to stay curious about the world they live in.