

校長訓話 表彰披露
壮行会 新生徒会役員挨拶



[放送部]NHK杯全国高校放送コンテスト県大会 アナウンスの部 優良賞

[競技かるた部]県高校百人一首かるた学校対抗戦 第4位

[美術部]全群馬近代こけしコンクール 群馬県知事賞、群馬テレビ社長賞

[弓道部]県高校弓道春季大会 女子個人 第4位
     県高校弓道北毛地区大会 女子団体 優勝、準優勝、第3位
                 女子個人 優勝、第3位、第5位        
     県高校総体 女子団体 第5位
     県高校弓道選手権大会兼全国高校弓道大会県予選会 女子団体 第4位
                             女子個人 第4位

[バスケットボール部]県高校総体 女子バスケットボール 第5位

[山岳部]県高校総体 登山女子 第2位

[卓球部]県高校総体 学校対抗 第8位
     県高校卓球競技選手権大会 学校対抗 第5位









 On Friday, July 7th 2023, 14 ALTs from around Gunma Prefecture visited Shibujo for International Day. These ALTs came to Japan from several different countries around the world, including South Africa, America, England, the Philippines, Canada, and New Zealand.

 After the ALTs introduced themselves, the students split into groups and prepared for an Icebreaker game. As the groups were comprised of students from various classes, these games tested not only their English speaking and listening skills, but also their general teamwork and communication abilities. Despite the challenging nature of each game, the students enjoyed working together and forming new friendships with peers from other classes.

 Once the games finished, it was time for the Cultural Lessons and Activities. The ALTs rotated to different groups of students and shared information about their homeland and culture. From card games to fashion design, poster-making to competitions, the first-year students were able to flex their creativity to better understand the world around them. Many students were eager to speak with foreign teachers as well, including several second-years who dropped in to greet the ALTs they had met last year.

 At the end of the day, Group 2 students and Mr. Bono, a South African ALT, taught the first-years a Zulu song called “Shosholoza”. This Zulu word means “keep doing your best,” and the song was a great way to finish the event and encourage the students to continue studying hard and improving their skills.

 All in all, it was a wonderful and rare opportunity for Shibujo students to engage with so many different foreigners from so many different places around the world. Hopefully, their curiosity about different cultures and countries will endure throughout their lives.





